Asp’s Darkfall full preview and Q&A!

  About myself I have been playing MMO games for more than 10 years primarily with the Lords of Death. The Realm, UO beta, UO through the early days to Trammel. Everquest, Daoc, AC, Jumpgate, Shadowbane, WoW, Eve, Vanguard and I may be missing a game or two. So, I think I know a little about MMO games and what I like and what I don’t like. It basically boils down to this. The more player freedom in a game the more I like it. Given the opportunity it is amazing what shape and direction online communities can take when…

Asp’s Visit to Darkfall: Internet Cafe Recap

Here’s the story you’ve all been (not so patiently) waiting for. First of all, we again want to thank the guys at Darkfall for taking the time to give Asp a special tour. We (all) are definitely looking forward to playing the hell out of your creation! We still have not heard back from Asp since his initial visit. We at LoD all assume he’s already suffering from Darkfall withdrawls. So I went ahead and edited up his post, and Obi had it approved by the proper Darkfall PR. We hope you get as much excitement from Asp’s write-up as…

LoD approves of Team Fortress 2

For years big name developers have come to LoD’s glorious website for approval of their newly released games. It is a statistical fact that every game LoD approves of sells 20,000,000 copies. So for the large amount of valve developers, engineers, and programmers coming to this website. We give our approval. Team Fortress 2 is by far one of the most fun games I have played this year. I don’t think there are many LoD who disagree! It immediately brings back memories of the original, but it’s better! The other night Me, Tyrantor, Rolo, and Pizlenut logged in to 2fort…